Siesta logic and man

siesta is a word that means slumber at noon that might last for 30 minutes and it can continue up to two hours. the entire world might be divided into three categories concerning this habit. the spaniards, the portuguese, the italians, and many latin american countries, a majority of them employees working for companies and institutions such as doctors and lawyers, stop working in the afternoon for lunch, have a nap and then go back to their work after noon until the night. the peoples of western europe, the united states, canada and australia, and the industrial giants of asia, such as china, korea and japan, do not know this habit, and often work from 9 am to 5 pm with a short break for lunch. the climate of those countries and the transport facilities oblige them to continue working and include no naps in most cases. the third class makes up the majority of the world including africa and the middle east and they have nothing to do with the italians or the americans as they are sleeping the whole day. dr david dinges from pennsylvania university and member of the american academy of sleep medicine concluded via a serious study that there are two types of slumber pointing out that the first one is optional while the second one is obligatory. the first is based upon the decision of the person while the second happens against his own will. the second type shows that the person did not sleep well in the previous night or it proves he cannot stay awake for long. dr dinges says that when we fall asleep when we are travelling or in our offices, the arms start relaxing followed by the hands and the eyelids and at last the neck. he added that this forces the body to fall either forward, backward or to one of the two sides unconsciously. he added the obligatory naps have no benefit and it is better to resist them and avoid them by having a cup of coffee, walking or sitting upright. the optional siesta is much better and it requires some arrangements including the quiet cool and may be dark place and away from electronic sets. dr dinges says nobody knows the reason behind the tendency of many people to have a siesta. however, they might agree that the reason is because the origins of the human being started from the tropical areas where the temperature gets higher with the progress of the day. this made them take siesta and the habit lasted with some people till today.



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