The failed, dead institution

bahraini professor ali mohammad fakhro published an article under the title “when will consciences and minds wake up?” its topic relates to the state of hypocrisy and denial experienced by the gulf states regarding the gulf cooperation council, which has not faced weakness and disintegration in its history as it is now.
mr. fakhro demanded that we acknowledge that the gulf cooperation council is currently infected with disease, disintegration, and loss due to the astonishing rise of temporary political selfishness and excessive interest, and the recruitment of some local components and some individuals to engage in verbal arguments to the disgust of individuals which provoke hatred and divisions, in order to tip the balance of this or that party and not to invite the ministerial, specialized or even the summit institutions of the gcc if the dispute is serious and grave to discuss the problems and try to douse the fires and keep them away from becoming weapons and conspiracies in the hands of those who do not want the good of the gcc states -- outsiders and colonial forces.
this is other than insisting throughout the life of the gcc the absence of a joint judicial body within the gcc institutions to issue just and fraternal judgments among the regimes of the disputing countries.
the situation has reached the point of disgust with the marginalization of the council’s joint authorities, and vulgar rhetoric through official media and social media where opportunists, those who are devoid of patriotic and national feelings and sellers of conscience are active and their services are available to anyone who pays more.
fakhro’s words mean the unity is dying a slow death putting at rest the dream of more than forty years ago to be the nucleus of a greater union but neither the first nor the second will be achieved.
perhaps some will breathe a sigh of relief at the failure of achieving an integrated economic union between the gcc states, and other difficult and costly joint projects that we were dreaming of. if it had happened, the losses would now have been much greater and more comprehensive, and the situation would have been more complicated as a result of the current raging dispute between two influential members of the gcc which preceded it and will be followed by other differences, and a huge political, psychological and financial loss for all parties. the collapse of marriage without children is one thing, and its collapse with children is another.
mr. fakhro reiterates that the absence of the popular participation of the gcc countries in supervising the work of the council and holding its officials accountable has always been one of the reasons for the weakness of the council as if it were a council of elites only.
he says the arabs do not learn from history. the experience of the maghreb union failed because of the dispute over the moroccan sahara, and the fate of our union will not be better. the work of the arab league also remains frozen, and the organization of islamic cooperation is just a name without any action. fakhro asks: ‘when will consciences awaken and minds awaken in arab countries?
about a week ago, the gcc secretary-general issued a decision appointing shafi q ahmad al-sayed omar as the director-general of the gcc joint program production institution.
of course, this institution is already dead and it is useless; its time has passed, its role became overdue and no one will follow up on its work, so how can a director be appointed for a dead body?


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