The highest, most dangerous, the most important

our government, thankfully, is making great efforts to eliminate many diseases, deformities and violations. for example, but not limited to, the persistent efforts to uncover those who forge the country’s nationality, the serious follow-up to uncover and prosecute those who steal public money, reduce financial waste in various government agencies, and increase its non-oil resources.
however, all of these matters and dozens of others will return to their previous state if there is no serious and strong interest in raising the level of education through a binding national project to raise its level, as it is the most important, dangerous, important and priority issue more than anything else.
we should not expect any development, or the creation of a good employee, an independent judge, a skilled doctor, or even a prudent lawyer, a creative engineer, a committed artist, and a clean politician. there is no success in any field if education is not good.
education has fallen behind at all levels, because it is controlled by the brotherhood forces, and to a lesser extent, the salafist, over all its affairs, teachers, curriculum, thought, politics and style!
education in finland is of an excellent standard, due to the very high standards of teachers, who are required to hold a master’s degree, pass intensive training courses, and have a personal interview.
in this regard, education expert mohammed alrubaie says that finland does not follow a unified examination method, except for the general secondary certificate, and therefore all students are classified on an individual basis, and grades are determined by the teacher, which helps in understanding the students’ strengths and improving the level of the weak, on an ongoing basis.
the evaluation is based on the individual abilities of the student, and makes the school a more fair and enjoyable place, and far from competition, to achieve social equality, as school enrollment begins at seven, and remains compulsory until the age of 16, and students spend their time in an environment that encourages critical and analytical thinking, through a comprehensive educational environment, which helps them develop problem-solving skills and independent thinking, through classes with a smaller number of students.
finnish education is also known for having the fewest home study hours, which average about half an hour.
education in japan, a country known for its social organization and rich culture, is another matter, especially since it changed culturally, morally and politically after its humiliating defeat in world war ii, where it witnessed a tremendous renaissance.
education, according to the expert al-rubaie, was the cornerstone of all its progress and advancement, due to its focus on discipline, ethics and interest in comprehensive education, which includes extracurricular activities. these factors combined contributed to the preparation of a skilled and qualifi ed workforce, capable of leading innovation and economic growth.
japan also invests heavily in research and development, which enhances its technological and economic capabilities. education in japan is not only a means of acquiring knowledge, but also a tool for promoting social and ethical values, which contributes to building a cohesive and productive society.
this close relationship between education and economic progress makes japan a model for how education can be used as a means to achieve sustainable development and economic growth.
we reiterate, and others, for the millionth time, that the key to the progress and advancement of any society lies in the development of education.
one of the reasons for our repeated defeats in all our military wars, our ongoing battles against corruption, and the continuation of our industrial, cultural, and even moral backwardness, is due primarily to the weakness of the education systems in our countries.


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