Ahmad Alsarraf

Translated Articles
Do we wait for Ho Chi Minh, Mandela, Gandhi to emerge?
The longing to belong to a free and independent homeland arises from deep psychological, social and cultural roots, offering a sense of identity, security and belonging.This intrinsic drive explains why people throughout history have fought for ind ..30 /December 2024
More‘Humor is a cognitive skill’
I have hundreds of funny anecdotes and jokes in my memory, political, social and others, in addition to the funny events and situations I personally experienced, some of which I published in several articles.The Western society is characterized by ..29 /December 2024
MoreManipulation of employment documents
At the Humanitarian Friendship Association, we have, like many others, extended substantial financial aid to numerous residents in need, particularly those who are destitute or earn low incomes.However, we were shocked to encounter cases such as that ..27 /December 2024
MoreBack to the tragedy and violations
A few days ago, I published an article titled ‘University and Applied Sciences Professors and the Judiciary.’ After its release, I realized that I had forgotten to revise the article, as I had removed the sections discussing the univers ..26 /December 2024
MoreChallenges to fiscal stability
I n December 2008, Oil Minister Mohammad Al-Aleem declared that the political climate in Kuwait was not conducive to advancing development projects. This statement marked a critical turning point for the Grand Dow Project, effectively sealing its f ..17 /December 2024
MoreThe emergence of economic superpowers after war curbs
After their defeat in World War II, Germany and Japan were subjected to strict conditions and restrictions imposed by the Allied powers as part of their surrender agreements.These restrictions included heavy control over both countries, particularl ..16 /December 2024
MoreAhmad Alsarraf
مقالات ممنوعة من النشر
+- (مقال رأت القبس أن لا ينشر لديها)
- مكاييل القبس مع الإخوان.
- الإنكار Denial حالة مرضية تعني رفض الاعتراف بالواقع، كما هو حال الرئيس ترامب الآن. والإنكار عند فرويد آلية دفاع تمنع الوعي من قبول الواقع، ويصعب على المصاب به
- وكيل «الداخلية» كرَّم الزميل أحمد الصراف
- الهجرة.. هل هي مقامرة خاسرة؟
- «عبداللطيف الأرمني.. والتفاحات الثلاث».. انكشاف زمن الطيبين
- الثورة الفكرية السعودية
- للتاريخ
- ((الشعر ديوان العرب))
- ((مقال اختارت القبس عدم نشره، لحساسية موضوعه))
- المزيد
مقابلات صحفية