First Deputy and the new obstruction

i f someone promotes his driver to become the manager of a store he owns, does any party have the right to object to his decision, on the grounds that the driver does not have an educational certificate that qualifies him to manage the store or company?
if a person wanted to marry his daughter, with her knowledge and consent, to someone who holds an incorrect university degree, does the government have the right to object to this marriage?
naturally, the answer is no, in both cases, and in other similar examples!
historically, our government has suffered from terrible bureaucracy, and only recently has it begun to get tired of it, and move towards “digitization, automation and mechanization”, with obvious slowness!
i have a partner who works as a general manager of the company, and has been residing in kuwait for about 40 years. he is highly efficient and honest. his residency expired, so we applied as usual on 7/4/2024 to renew it online, but the application was rejected due to the invalidity of the attachments.
we completed the requirements, and the system requested documents and certificates, but the rejection was repeated five times.
the process was completed after 14 days, after meeting all the requests of the labor authority for all of the partner’s university certificates, his secondary school certificates, and all transcripts for eight years of study, with the need to translate and authenticate them.
then we face the problem of the incompatibility of his academic specialization, as a chemistry graduate, with his work as general manager of a commercial company! this is happening for the first time after 40 years of residency in the country!
there are no words that are enough to describe the extent of the suffering, nor the number of hours that were wasted, of our time and the time of the authority’s employees, without a logical reason, or even a semi-valid reason!
question: what is the government’s relationship with the educational certificates of those working in the private sector? especially if they are commercial entities that do not deal with food, medicine, or any materials related to human health?
why does the public authority for manpower, with all its overcrowding, scrutiny and responsibilities, occupy itself with such unreasonable demands in the first place?!
how can we understand all the government’s statements regarding its intention to facilitate the work of the private sector, and then issue decisions that are not part of its core work, and have no benefit other than obstructing the work of the private sector and driving away qualified people?
we understand the government’s desire to verify the authenticity of the certifi cates of its employees, as this is its right, as long as their salaries are determined based on it. but what does it have to do with the certifi cates of tens of thousands of workers in the private sector, when it has not even completed one-tenth of one percent of the process of verifying the certificates of government employees?
we hope that his excellency the first deputy prime minister, who does not need to be praised for his great reform efforts, will intervene immediately and stop this shameful and useless farce, which has caused and continues to cause obstruction of the work of all parties, including governmental ones.


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