Translated Articles

Warehouses and the mosquito swamps

After the infamous Mangaf fire, from which we seem to have forgotten the valuable lessons, the authorities, including the municipality and fi re brigade, took action.They evacuated the basements of buildings designated as parking lots, cleared out ..

23 /July 2024


First Deputy and the new obstruction

I f someone promotes his driver to become the manager of a store he owns, does any party have the right to object to his decision, on the grounds that the driver does not have an educational certificate that qualifies him to manage the store or com ..

22 /July 2024


Antoine’s experience and Tawfi q’s sadness

The Russian writer Anton Chekhov describes failed societies as those where fools vastly outnumber the sane, and corrupt words far outnumber conscious ones. In such societies, the majority is always foolish, while the intelligent individual is the o ..

19 /July 2024


Wealth of nations ... and their helplessness

Two days ago, I wrote an article about the Shiites of Kuwait, which included the following text: Have the wise Shiite sect members ever wondered: Why do we often find these manifestations, with all their rituals, in the poorest and least educated s ..

18 /July 2024


‘Minor offenses lead to major crimes’

I n the absence of the National Assembly and with 50 representatives losing their positions and privileges, including former ministry members and ministers no longer appointed, there has been a notable increase in hostility towards the current situ ..

17 /July 2024


Shia Kuwait and the Ashura

Since the Englishman Dr. Edward Jenner, the pioneer of immunology, discovered the smallpox vaccine in 1796, a significant percentage of people, even today, oppose taking vaccines.This resistance has prompted conscious governments to impose vaccinat ..

15 /July 2024


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