Best ethical, regulatory law

i may not exaggerate when i say that the law covering forged and unaccredited certificates is the best regulatory and ethical law that has been issued post-liberation which the national assembly was unable to issue after there were warnings that kuwait was sinking to the depth of the sea of low value valueless academic certificates – forged, fake and unaccredited – which included various disciplines without exception, and contributed to the deterioration of the educational, security and moral situation of the state in general.
it was therefore not surprising to note the disappearance of the title dr in front of the names of many of the tweeters and writers immediately after the issuance of the law and discovering some of the holders of doctorate certificates who were appointed based on their field of specializations especially in sports, finance and tourism.
this law is also a victory for those who have long fought the forged and fake certificates, the most important of which is the kuwait society for quality education. some have opposed the application of the law retroactively on the public and private sector employees that might be subjected to dismissal from work.
i do not really see anything wrong or suspicious, how can we forgive or tolerate the devastation caused by the one who claimed to be a teacher, for example, who is ignorant and claims to carry a false certificate is not even worth the value of paper on which the certificate is printed, and the time spent to write, and the seal and signature of the certificate trader?
if the certificate is genuine and unaccredited should the status of the holder be considered by either allowing amending it, or resigning from work without defamation or trial?
when submitted to the national assembly for ratification, the law by decree may need minor amendments, if allowed by the bylaws, especially with regard to the definition of unaccredited certificates and the reason for not punishing their possession, even if the holder does not use them or claim to carry them.
the law did not mention, for example, holders of scientific or other distinguished titles as a specialist, consultant or expert, especially those who do not have a recognized document attesting to be specialists or consultants, while the holder of a high school diploma is punished, for example, if he provides a fake certificate.


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