Religious parties benefits

i was sad when i wrote this article after i looked at my archive and what i wrote about al-bashir and al-falah and the government negligence for turning a blind eye to what was published by the press which deserved not even an iota of attention.
over the past half a century, i worked and volunteered together with people of different political, intellectual, religious and partisan b a c k g r o u n d s including communists, socialists, capitalists and others, and i did not find among them even a single personality who is fierce in the dispute compared to the muslim brotherhood because of the shallowness of their ideology, bad reputation, and their weakness in defending their views, so they tend to defame their opponents and sometimes not only issue death threats, but implement them.
the muslim brotherhood also believes that being silent to the attacks against them could lead to the loss of top positions they hold and money in billions could slip through their fingers. we say to those who have sick souls that this fear of money and confidentiality at work is not limited to the muslim brotherhood but most religious people and the management of holy thresholds and centers in iraq, iran and other countries.
what many do not know, especially the sympathizers of the muslim brotherhood, is that some of the people have made for themselves tremendous wealth and acquired a big influence as a result of their partisan affiliations, while the others dream of riches and power.
a former undersecretary of the ministry of awqaf, whose actions had stirred arguments when he brought in a moderation expert from sudan 12 years ago to teach simple kuwaitis how to be tolerant, it turned out that the job was designed for this ‘brotherhood’ person to achieve personal benefits.
he was given a hefty paycheck salary, a permanent suite in a 5-star hotel, a car and a private driver, not to mention free food and beverages for him and for his guests at the expense of the ministry. myself and others had contributed to exposing the falsity of the entire process stressing there are thousands of kuwaitis who can do this job for half that money.
thus, issam al-bashir was sent back to where he came from and the credit for his deportation went to the salafis not for hating al-bashir but for the greed that was noticed, since everyone is aware the wolves run for nothing. but the brotherhood ensured that al-bashir did not go empty-handed, and they sought to appoint him as a member of the country’s largest charity committee, which will be the subject of our article tomorrow.
i went back to the archive to dig out what i wrote more than ten years ago about this person and who stood behind his appointment and fiercely defended him and found the in next paragraph of an article i wrote ‘the undersecretary of the ministry of awqaf, and the owner of the extraordinary organizational capabilities succeeded in persuading the government to commission him to organize a conference on the environment and climate change and no one in the government asked him, what is his relationship of awqaf with the climate change.
on 27 september 2008, issam al-bashir, who was appointed by the undersecretary as director of moderation said, “we have come to contribute to the creation of an intellectual and scientific renaissance based in kuwait, a center of light on the regional neighborhood and the islamic environment, and then what is available throughout the globe.”
no one in the government had asked this expatriate, on a temporary employment contract, how will he make an intellectual renaissance, since he is embracing a backward thought?


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