‘Sweet’ ignorant majority

since the discovery of the pistol, which has transformed a coward into a brave person, no weapon has been put into an ‘ignorant’ hand, to cover his ignorance like ‘whatsapp’! this means the weapon transforms a shy and ignorant person into someone who can silence anyone, irrespective of how expert, devoted or wise this person is.
unfortunately, this is indeed a horrifying situation if a big proportion of those who believe in this hocus pocus. this is serious and the matter will become a disaster because millions of people follow these muftis and the confusion will reach to the top when the fatwas of clerics add to the confusion since each mufti promotes the validity of these fatwas.
there was a short video clip warning muslims not to eat french fries and fish, a popular english diet that muslims tend to think is the most secure, religiously. the promoter of this clip justified his claim that fish and chips were fried with beer and were therefore forbidden.
this, of course, is stupid. fish cannot be boiled in beer because beer evaporates very quickly, and not considered as oil-conductive material. and the price compared to all kinds of frying oils is expensive. which crazy person will use expensive beer instead of cheap oil? however, thousands believed what was posted in the clip and stopped eating fish and chips.
a majority in any society is characterized by its tendency to the superficiality of things and indifference to the scrutiny of the authenticity of the information received, and as a result, often require an effort but not many would do that because they are ‘jobless’.
nonetheless, this majority that we talk about varies in quality and relevance from one society to another and this forces governments, the educated elite, and enlightened media in less educated societies to contain this ignorance and the people who promote harmful products or services that do not really exist.
it has been remarkable for some time that there has been an increase in the number of entities that have abused social media to promote untrue or ‘guaranteed’ results of women’s medical or cosmetic ideas and/or products.
in this regard, dr. abdullah al-bader, assistant undersecretary for drug control at the ministry of health, was praised for investigating the alleged violations of the law governing the advertisement and the improper promotion of health-related materials and for his firm stance in stopping these abuses.
we would also like to point out that a number of doctors, including former health ministers, have continued to publish advertisements to promote their clinics in newspapers, cinema, media, and other publicity means in an explicit violation of the ethics of practicing this very important profession. however, all that the doctors’ announcement should concern with is only when they change their addresses.
the public authority for food and nutrition must activate its tools and fight those who have been promoting their food products with medicinal value and claim to have cured certain diseases, especially those who claim that their healing ‘honey’ works miracles, irrespective if it has any benefit at all, especially if it is harmful to those who are allergic to certain substances or people with diabetes.
a tweet posted by bill gates, and is believed by the ignorant masses without thinking, includes false praise for the way muslims benefit from sacrificial meat.


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