‘I wrote a lot and lost a lot’

for almost 30 years, i have written more than 8,000 articles, and i did not ask for any position or money from anyone, certainly, someone like me would do.
i wrote a lot and lost a lot – money, friendships, and acquaintances, or who i once believed were friends and acquaintances, and me about to be imprisoned, and my life and the lives of the members of my family were endangered. this is beside the other bad and varied evils that happened to me. if anyone asks me why i continue writing, after all this, i will not find a convincing answer, other than my stubbornness, my desire to fulfill my duty and reform what can be reformed.
if i asked myself what i have achieved throughout these three decades that i have been writing, i will find it difficult to answer, but in general, i am satisfied with what i do and what i have done, and this trend will continue as long as there is life in me and have an idea or opinion for the public.
the biggest concern that worried me since i started writing daily was the obsession or the margin of freedom in my little homeland, which was more beautiful one day. with freedom, religious, sexual, sectarian, tribal and other differences will disappear and will fade away completely with time.
without freedom, writing cannot go on with its splendor and usefulness. and without freedom, creativity disappears. with freedom, ambiguities become clear, the curtain rises and beams collapse to widen the way for the rays of the sun to enter freedom.
if i asked myself what i could achieve throughout the three decades of writing, it would be difficult to answer but in general, i am satisfied with what i did, and i will continue as long as my heartbeats, an idea or opinion for the public.
the biggest concern that worried me since i started writing daily was the obsession or the margin of freedom in my little homeland, which was more beautiful one day. with freedom, religious, sexual, sectarian, tribal and other differences will disappear and will fade away completely with time.
without freedom, writing cannot go on with its splendor and usefulness. and without freedom, creativity disappears. with freedom, ambiguities become clear, the curtain rises and beams collapse to widen the way for the rays of the sun to enter freedom.
if i asked myself what i could achieve throughout the three decades of writing, it would be difficult to answer but in general, i am satisfied with what i did, and i will continue as long as my heartbeats, an idea or opinion for the public.
with freedom, we all realize how important this virtue is to the individual and society, and the difficulty of living without it. but the freedoms in my country are declining, together with the role of civil institutions compared to the rise of the role of religious institutions, and this is happening despite the popularity that freedoms and civil rights have received in neighboring countries.
i don’t know, why do we need to build such a building of such a size, location, shape, and cost to a ministry specialized in religious affairs, although we are imbued with these matters daily to the core, and at the same time we restrict every opinionated, creative, and artiste, and we close exhibitions and confiscate books, sensor movies, break pens?
these religious entities have been involved in every matter, and have thus become almost immune to accountability or control, and this is what the weak souls have best exploited to enrich themselves.
how can we understand what the office of the minister of state for youth affairs, in cooperation with the sabah al-ahmad center for talent and creativity, announced the launch of the youth innovation league, which includes holding competitions in areas that serve the technological side, science, mathematics, arts and literature, and above that, the holy qur’an in an atmosphere of fun?
what is the relationship of the arts, literature, science, and technology with a religious and honorable subject, such as the holy qur’an?
do we not do annually dozens of competitions for memorizing and reciting the qur’an in the country, and memorizers and chanters from all over the world are invited to participate in it? what is the relationship of creativity to a deep-rooted religious topic?
we have in the state dozens of centers for memorizing the qur’an and the qur’an radio broadcasting station, mentors, teachers, supervisors, and an army of organizers, readers, and interpreters more than required.
why have we inserted recitation into programs of technological innovation, development, planning, and competition in an atmosphere of fun?
today, i will try to be the first to attend the interrogation session of the minister of social affairs, professor ghadeer asiri. this is a precedent for me. in any case, i consider the interrogation the worst in the history of the parliament.


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